Friday 19 April 2013

Music Magazine Double Page spread

Final draft of the double page spread

This was the final draft for my Double page spread.I took my inspiration from a spread in XXL magazine and I really liked the way that they duplicated the imaged to get a 3-D effect in the image and the image was kind of the starting point for the spread.I styled my model differently this time, switching a baseball cap with a  knitted beanie which a little more relaxed and dressed down and I really wanted the spread to feel like a more stripped back, up close and personal look at the artist.I kept the colour scheme to the red, white and black and I kept everything very minimal and sleek.I relied on the small details to really make this page stand out and a very subtle changed was I used colour in the imagery this time, so you can really see the model in a more natural and relaxed manner compared to black and white which can be quite dramatic and intense.although I was really please with my double page spread, If I was to do it again I think I would have rearrange the text on the interview as I feel it is a little it too much writing on the page and it is a little intense at a first glance.

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