Friday 19 April 2013

Music Magazine Contents Page

Final Draft of Contents Page

This is the final version of my contents page.I kept the colour scheme in the same red white and black from the cover but I changed the background of the original image to a very dramatic black background.I divided my contents page into two sections so I could keep it quite simple and minimalistic.I really liked the image I used  and although it does feature the same person from the cover I felt it worked because this image has a very different feel to the image used on the cover that in this one it really works and its the main focus for the page.I tried to include things like '212 top ten' which features the most current top ten hip hop songs, which is something I believe my reader would be interested in.For my magazine to represent the street wise and urban person my language choice was at times informal so it would be relateable to my readers and I tried to use to many long words as I feel at time it can get a little bit boring and up tight and my readers are laid back and easy going.Although I am very pleased with my contents page, If I was to do it again I would probably have used a different person on the picture and I would have also incorporated more images to go with the titles as it can get a little it boring when there is too much text and not enough to look at.  

First draft of Contents Page

This was my first draft for my contents page and although I was very pleased with it I felt that the text covered up too much of the image in the background and the image being the main focal point on this page I had to experiment with moving things around to see what worked best and eventually I moved the whole text to the left.

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