Friday 19 April 2013

Evaluation Question 6&7

 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I learned that the process of design requires a lot on the technology itself,for my magazine to look as professional as possible I had to get familiar with softwares like Photoshop and In design to edit and create the finished product.The process started with the photography, so the first thing was to get a professional quality camera and a studio with high quality lighting which helped me get a high quality result.I kept track of my creative journey through my blogger and I find this to be better way of keeping records of work as it it can never get lost and you can easily edit and change anything as and when you need to.As well as that, it is very easy for research purposes to have blogger because if you need to save anything from one computer to another in a quick way you can save it in you blogger as a draft and open in up form a different computer.

Photoshop and In-design were the main softwares that I used throughout creating my magazine. Photoshop is something that used not only within the magazine industry but its used but most creative based task such as editing, re touching ,cut and paste, duplicating there is almost a tool for everything and its become one of the most popular tools within media and technology today.I used it to edit my photographs with tools such as airbrushing and changing the colour and contrast.I used in design for the rest of creating my magazine so things such as contents page, front cover and double page spread.The tools on there are similar to Photoshop but I feel its more targeted publishing as it was a really smooth process creating my magazine and everything was straight forward in comparison to Photoshop which is a lot more challenging.

Overall I felt that the process of design more specifically designing a magazine is a lot more time consuming that I thought.The amount of research definatley adds to the quality of the and result as you get a better understand of what your essentially trying to create and it also help you get ideas if you feel stuck on ideas.I feel that in comparison to my college magazine which was created using Microsoft, I definatley think my music magazine is lot better in quality and you can tell my confidence with programs such as Photoshop and in design.I felt like my college magazine was a lot more rushed and I didn't really have a lot of research or skill to start with but with my music magazine I had a better understanding of what it takes to make a good quality magazine that looked professional.I feel a lot more confident within my skills in reaching and designing media and I feel like If given the opportunity I would be able to create a magazine that shows of my skill with adobe software a lot more.As well as that, keeping my blog up to date was a challenge but I feel like it helped me develop a lot more and it shows you clearly the places that you need work on and the places that you are strong on.Moreover it also allows you to see  how much you have developed withing your work and it easy to go back and reference something if you need to look it up quickly.Overall I feel like I learnt a lot from this task and its given me a taster on what it takes to create a high quality piece of media.

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