Friday 4 January 2013

Preliminary Task:College Magazine


My Magazine will be aimed at first year and second year college students who have an interest in music, fashion, art , movies and entertainment and celebrity gossip.I want my magazine to have a cool , modern and urban feel and I don't want it to feel outdated or as if it was an adults representation of what a college magazine would have.I want it to be a college magazine for the students by the students so it's important I keep it up-to date and current and also relevant to what college students are interested in.My magazine will feature things like ,were to get student discounts, any upcoming college events, enrichment programs and any new college news but as my target audience is more of the adventurous, outgoing and stylish student its important to keep it relevant to them by keeping it current and on trend with what other magazines are talking about.

  Cover Line Ideas 
Freshman of the month
Exclusive interviews
Style upgrades
Ones to watch
Discount spots
College lifestyle
free gifts, posters, stickers,coupons

Dictionary definition for  Freshman  

'A first-year student at a university, college, or high school.'

I have chosen to go with 'Freshman' as the name of my magazine because it is mean't to represent everything about college and student life and I feel like this can easily relate to both girls and boys which means I have more of a choice of what I want the cover to be like.Fonts wise I wanted some thing very sleek and streamlined because I thought that would look more professional than chunky bubble writing and I experimented with fonts like 'Baskerville old face' and Century Gothic just to see which one would work best with the title of my magazine .

The year of publication was easy to decide and since fall/winter is my favorite time I immidiatley decided that I wanted it to be the winter issue and the magazine would be published monthly just so it doesn't get boring by giving little weekly updates you can get a whole months magazine which helps to keep it current and fresh.Secondly, in terms of main image in my plan I wanted to to use a picture of a boy and a girl to show that the magazine is for both genders and not just aimed at one and I was going to ask some of my friend to do it  and and fortunately for me the college was able to supply with me a camera that can take excellent quality photos which takes out the hassle of re touching and editing as I'm still getting used to 
using Photoshop.

When I started I knew I wanted the magazine to be just a little bit under A4 size more like a square shape because I felt like theres no need for a college magazine to be massive as theres only so mcuh information that you can give to someone before they get bored keeping small means that I can space things around easily without over doing it with coverlines, I can keeps things fairly small and they wont look out of proportion and it will be easy for me to fit the picture on that style cover as well and colours I was think about burgundy, mustard , orange , red colors all the colors of fall and winter just to tie the whole front cover and contents page together.


  1. The is really good and clear discussion of your ideas and intended meaning. Good.
