Monday 7 January 2013

Magazine Contents Page

Final Magazine contents page

My contents page was what I found the most challenging to do during the whole process as I ended up making my cover using Microsoft word it took a lot of time which men't  I didn't really get the time to have a clear idea of what I wanted the end result to look like. Initially I had planned for my contents to be look a little bit more polished and upscale just like you see in VOGUE -which was the main inspiration for my magazine design- but in an attempt to just get it completed I left no time to take images for the specific page title that I featured so it was all a last minute rush and I ended up using images that I had previously taken as potential main images for the cover but I felt they didn't really suit the style of the magazine so I decided to feature a few that I liked in the contents page.

My main aim with the contents page was to keep it as minimal and simple as possible but still very polished and expensive looking, which proved quite a challenge at first because trying to fit images and trying to get them in the right proportion so they're clear was hard because the shape of my magazine is kind of a square shape so I had to figure out how I was going to fit the images with the text as well and still keep it very minimal.The colour scheme was kept in the same tones as on the cover because I wanted it to be very cohesive and together, so I went with the grey, black and the maroon colour and I kept the same font from the mast head on the contents page title - Century Gothic- and for the page numbers I used 'Baskerville old Face'

Overall, I wasn't completely happy with the outcome of my contents page but  I feel like it was a good starting point   for the next magazine I make and I've definatley learnt that a well thought out plan and researching will make everything easier and its also less time consuming.As well as that, I will hopefully be experimenting with Photoshop and In-design as I feel it might be easier to use for the magazine as the software has all the equipment and Microsoft doesn't really have the tools for some of the things I wanted to do for my magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good front cover with some very good attributes, I particularly like the title. However, the contents page is not as strong and you would benefit by making the picture of Natasha 'style upgrade' smaller as it is covering the image underneath.
