Friday 4 January 2013

Magazine Final Cover

This was the final version for my Magazine front cover 

When I first started doing my cover I realised a lot of the things I had planned to do weren't working out or the was a problem of some sort .I didn't want my magazine to be a cliche college/school style magazine that you can get free from the college stands I wanted it to look like something that you could actually see in the news agent and something that people would actually pay money for , so I took to the internet and looked at Magazines like VOGUE, GLAMOUR ,GQ and BILLBOARD because I liked how sleek and polished  their covers look and the hardest part was trying to do all that without using Photoshop or in design hence my final front cover being created completely using Microsoft word.I started of by taking a few picture because originally I wanted a picture of a boy and girl because I felt some people might get confused by the title of the magazine with it being called 'FRESHMAN' but after a taking a number of picture and testing them out with my flat plans the didn't seem to look quite like I wanted them two so it was only after a third session of picture taking I settled on this one and I knew I wanted use this one because I liked the composition of the picture and how clear it was which luckily for me men't no editing.

So after picking the picture, cover lines , magazine name it was all a case of just putting it together which proved to be easier said than done and took a lot of time to complete. Immediately after picking my magazine name I knew I wanted it to be right at the top center of the cover but not in a thick writing I wanted something striking but subtle and I ended up going with  'Century Gothic' in a black/grey colour for the mast head after I tried different colours on the masthead I felt they looked cheap and very flat but the black/grey colour really suited the font well.As I took the main image in front of a white wall the positioning and placing for my coverlines was fairly simple and I knew I wanted them to be bold but minimal, and with it being the fall/winter issue I knew I was going to be using a lot of maroons, reds and burgundy as those are the colours that remind me of fall.

My magazine being called FRESHMAN I wanted it to be almost like a guide or manual to all first years or people that are new to college on the lifestyle and all things to do with being a college students so my coverlines were almost like tips and hints on everything you might need to know about college for example '10% student discount'  and '5* tips to A* results' I felt were most effective because we all want to get As and A* in college so I thought that would get everyone interested and '10% student discount', well who wouldn't mind some money of their shopping ? Even though I was really happy with how my cover turned out, if I had to do it again I would definatley try using in design or photoshop because I feel it would take less time and it would be a better finish than just using microsoft word  

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